The China Rose

Verdad for Todos

Archive for December 5th, 2009

Two Weeks of Crap Skies

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It’s a gray, snowy, miserable day. A day for hot cider, roaring fires (in the fireplace only…), cushy sloppy dogs, flannel shirts, thick socks, boots, back rubs, quilts, naps, hugs… well,you get the picture. It actually wouldn’t hurt to have an actual sheep in the house to hug. Wait, hot apple pie & ice cream, hot toddies, popcorn, taffy, wait —  sounds like a lotta lotta calories. Okay, go out and mend fences, get the mail, chop wood, carry water — then have the snacks? As it is there’s loads of tasks and errands 2 do. One of which is begin my blog so here I am. As far as theme is concerned, I’ll have to decide what to be when I grow up.

Written by chinarose

December 5, 2009 at 7:55 pm